Treatment Options

For those experiencing eczema flare-ups, the following treatments can help manage the condition:

  1. Topical Corticosteroids: These are commonly used to control inflammation and skin rash during episodes of the disease. The preparations described here must be used according to the instructions of a healthcare professional.
  2. Calcineurin Inhibitors: Such non- steroidal creams include tacrolimus as well as pimecrolimus which are used to manage symptoms of eczema and safe to use on sensitive areas of the skin.
  3. Antihistamines: This drug can alleviate itching, and also help to restore normal sleep.
  4. Wet Wrap Therapy: This requires applying a moisturizing cream on the affected sites and then covering them with damp, bandage like materials. This technique is good in helping to reduce inflammation and to hydrate the skin.
  5. Phototherapy: There are instances when it has been recommended that the patient can be exposed to ultraviolet light to minimize inflammation and alleviate eczema.


Managing Flare-ups

Specifically, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that tends to have a worse course in winter. Flare-ups are more frequent during winter, when there is less humidity and sunlight. What is more, managing of these flare-ups requires some sort of alteration of one’s lifestyle as well as some sort of medication.

  1. Moisturizing: Healthy skin should be moisturized, and to achieve this you need to use moisturizers that are thick and contain emollients. Products with urea or salicylic acid should be sought after because they are known to reduce scaling and soften the skin.
  2. Humidifiers: Control the indoor humidity in order not to let skin become too dry.
  3. Sunlight Exposure: Although UV light is described to be useful in treating psoriasis, natural light, particularly sunlight may be scarce during winter. As advised by a doctor, try using phototherapy.
  4. Avoid Triggers: Patients should learn their personal triggers which include stress, smoking and certain medications.

Effective Treatments

Several treatments can help manage psoriasis symptoms:

  1. 1. Topical Treatments: These include the corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs that include the calcipotriene and the retinoids. Use these medications according to the prescription of a doctor.
  2. Phototherapy: It has been found that UVB exposure actually slows down the excessive growth of cells and the inflammation.
  3. Systemic Medications: In extreme circumstances, oral or injectable medicines may be given to regulate the immune response to inflammation. This includes Methotrexate, cyclosporine and the biologic agents.
  4. Coal Tar: Coal tar products can be used to prevent and/or alleviate scaling, itching, and inflammation. These are available in different types such as shampoing, cream and even bath solutions.

Coal Tar

Reading this article, you will learn about the causes and manifestations of the most prevalent winter skin problems and will be able to make use of medical and non-medical treatments to prevent and solve these issues and have comfortable skin in the winter.