Besides that, there is another test for skin during the winter time, and for that reason, skin needs to be protected even more. In other words, cold and dry climate causes dryness and itching of the skin; exacerbates skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Skin sensitivity is caused by cold climate eradicating skin layers and forming redness and irritation. In the house with heated air it only intensifies and can worsen these attributes of the skin. Therefore, it should be remembered that anti-aging skincare programs are not only beauty rituals; the skin should be safeguarded from the cold and adequately fed at the same time.
Both the male and female, the young and the old should be very cautious with their skins during the winter season. As much as oily skinned people do not indicate they will not go through changes of season that calls for change of program. It becomes mandatory to moisturize but the kind of moisturizer and way used varies from one person to another. There is also other practices that help in management of skin which include washing the skin gently, scrubbing it routine and protecting the skin from the sun. If the skin is not well treated, winter makes skin rough, tight and painful, and if left throughout winter, it has a destructive effect to the skin.
Overview of Common Skin Issues in Winter
They particularly link several skin problems to winter since the surrounding environment experiences some changes during this season. The commonest condition is dry skin, a condition also called xerosis due to cold air outside and the heating inside stripping the skin of moisture. This leads to skin roughness and formation of flakes or scaly spots that may at times develop into itchy or even painful skin area in the future. Those who have had dry skin in the past will confirm that the problem becomes even worse during winter.
Other such diseases are eczema that many people believe to be worse in winter time. This is likely to have an effect of flare-ups in dry skin that leads to formation of reddened, irritated and itchy skin patches that are hard to control. Likewise, people with psoriasis can suffer from symptoms in the winter that would make their skin redden, scaly and sore. In both of these conditions, the skin should be moisturized and using gentle and soft products, more so, moisturizers should be used often.
Some diseases can be seen conspicuously in winter; for example Chilblains as little itchy lumps on the skin. These can be especially painful and are further more frequently experienced around the fingers and toes since circulation of blood is usually low in these parts of the body. Some of the recommendations that can help to avoid chilblains include putting on long-sleeve, pants and avoiding chilled skin and frequently changing position and keeping the affected area warm.
Cold sores
Other health issues that become worst during winter include cold sores. Hypersensitivity diseases, and cold snaps – they cause herpes simplex that leads to painful and ugly rashes around the mouth. The way to avoid the recurrence of the virus is to make sure that good hygiene standards by applying lip balms, avoiding areas with the virus when stressed and use creams for the sores as soon as they appear.